Quansic is a one stop shop for all Music related identifiers.
We operate Registration Agencies for:
Musical Works: (alternate for ISWC) BOWI
While the ISWC is and remains the normalised Musical Work identifier, it is not openly available. Quansic has therefore create a new Work identifier, open and accessible to all, to fill the gap when ISWCs are not available.
Sound recordings or music videos: ISRC
Quansic is RIAA approved ISRC manager. You can assign your ISCRs through our API or our bulk assign platform.
Parties: ISNI
As an ISNI Registration Agency, we can assign ISNI codes to your Performers and Songwriters.. We offer either an API to allow you to assign ISNIs directly or single registrations.

We believe that the time of string matching has come and gone.
We believe that all Music Assets must have an Identifier. It all happens here