Best Open Work Identifier

We strongly believe that ALL Music Assets should always be referred to with an open identifier.
Along with ISNI (Parties) and ISRC (Sound Recordings), BOWI (Musical Works) completes the family of music identifiers open to all.
Every parties involved in the music works exploitation (i.e. songwriters, publishers, labels, distributors, platforms, etc.) can easily use BOWI.
For all musical works
Whether they are registered in a Collective Management Organisation or not, under copyright or in the public domain, all musical works can have a BOWI, without exception.
Free access
The full BOWI registry is available as a Weekly dump. It is free of charge and available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.
BOWI in a nutshell
A BOWI is composed of 11 alphanumeric characters, syntactically compatible with the ISWC.
What is required to get a BOWI?
The minimum info required to obtain a BOWI are:
- The title of the musical work
- The duration
- The year of creation
- At least one creator (full name with an ISNI or an IPI)
ISWC and MLC Identifiers are welcome to facilitate the identification of the musical work and the creator(s).
Who administer BOWI?
BOWI is administered by the BOWI International Agency (run by Quansic). All organizations or companies with a legitimate interest in BOWI can apply to become a BOWI Registration Agency and deliver BOWI and linked services to their clients.